Understanding Genicular Artery Embolization: A Guide for Potential Patients

If you’re exploring options to alleviate knee pain caused by osteoarthritis, Genicular Artery Embolization (GAE) might be a treatment worth considering. At TRA Endovascular, we’re committed to offering innovative solutions that improve the quality of life for our patients. This blog post is designed to shed light on GAE, helping you understand what it is, who qualifies for the procedure, the recovery process, and the expected results. We’ll also guide you on the next steps if you’re interested in pursuing GAE as a treatment option.

What is Genicular Artery Embolization?

Genicular Artery Embolization is a minimally invasive procedure aimed at reducing knee pain and improving function in patients with osteoarthritis. The technique involves the targeted embolization (blocking) of the genicular arteries, which are responsible for supplying blood to the lining of the knee joint. By reducing blood flow to the affected area, GAE aims to decrease the inflammation and pain associated with osteoarthritis.

Who Qualifies for GAE?

GAE is particularly suited for patients who have not responded well to conventional treatments such as physical therapy, anti-inflammatory medications, or corticosteroid injections. Ideal candidates for GAE typically have moderate to severe osteoarthritis and are seeking alternatives to more invasive surgical options like knee replacement. A thorough evaluation by a TRA Endovascular radiologist will help determine if GAE is the right option for you, taking into account your medical history, severity of pain, and overall health.

Recovery and Results

One of the significant advantages of GAE is its minimal recovery time. As a minimally invasive procedure, it requires only a small puncture, which means less pain and a quicker return to daily activities. Most patients can expect to resume their routine within a few days, although it’s advisable to avoid strenuous activities for a short period after the procedure.

Results from GAE can vary, but many patients report a significant reduction in knee pain and an improvement in their ability to perform daily tasks. The effects of the treatment can be felt as early as a few weeks post-procedure, with continued improvement over several months. It’s important to note that while GAE can provide relief from symptoms of osteoarthritis, it is not a cure for the condition.

Next Steps for Interested Patients

If you’re considering Genicular Artery Embolization as a treatment option for knee osteoarthritis, the first step is to schedule a consultation with a TRA Endovascular provider. During your consultation, we will discuss your medical history, conduct a thorough assessment of your knee, and determine if you’re a candidate for GAE. We’ll also take the time to answer any questions you may have about the procedure, recovery, and expected outcomes.

At TRA Endovascular, we’re dedicated to providing our patients with access to cutting-edge treatments that can significantly improve their quality of life. If you’re suffering from knee pain and are looking for an alternative to traditional surgical procedures, GAE might be the solution you’ve been searching for. Contact us today to learn more and take the first step towards a pain-free life.

Learn more at https://www.traendovascular.com/vein/genicular-artery-embolization-2/.

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